[기사읽기] Regular exercise twice a week reduces insomnia: studys

2024. 3. 28. 11:02News/English


영어 한국어
at least 적어도, 최소한
significantly  상당히
disorders 장애
Icelandic  아이슬란드어
led by ~에 의해 주도
insomnia 불면증
prolonged  연장
asleep  잠이 든, 자고있는
symptom 증상


This article said, we need to exercise at leat twice a week.

Because this exercise will reduce the likelihood of indomnia and various diseases.

But I already know that facts, i can't do it steadily..

When i woke up in the early morning, i soon get out of my home and go to school.

The school is done, that time is 6 p.m., so i felt very tired and hard.

I thought that my body and brain is gone!

I know and I need to exercise every of course, ...... It's not like i wanted it to do.

So, First, tomorrow I will do exersice 20 minutes, and getting more and more i will do it 30, 40 minutes..

I wish Everyone living in this Earth are gonna be healthy and happy. ✉️

